Photo Gallery I8:  Working On-Site

Our work has taken us on a journey throughout the United States from Alaska to Puerto Rico, and beyond.  Although the scenery may change, building piping designs remain relatively similar, with the only real changes related to material specifications, design adaptations, and maintenance provided.  A more significant difference exists in a property constructed in the past 20 years to older properties 75 years ago, than exists for those built in Australia verses the United States.



Cooling Tower Corrosion
Cooling Tower Corrosion
Maintenance Required
Maintenance Required
Refrigeration Chillers
Refrigeration Chillers
Plate & Frame Heat Exchangers
Plate & Frame Heat Exchangers
Improper Galvanizing
Improper Galvanizing
Proper Dielectric Fittings
Proper Dielectric Fittings
Improper Dielectric Fittings
Improper Dielectric Fittings
Working On-Site
Working On-Site
CorrView International, LLC
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