CT-07: External Pipe Corrosion
The Hidden Threat To Every Chill And Cold Water Piping System |
Throughout the history of most building properties and plant operations, some degree of corrosion at the external surface of the chill and cold water piping will occur. Surface pipe corrosion can range from cosmetic and mild, to severe and system debilitating. Corrosion under insulation, CUI as it is known, is generally a long term problem taking decades to develop. This partially explains its low priority in most building and plant maintenance plans and procedures.
The presence of condensation at the outer pipe wall produces much the same corrosive effects typically associated with interior pipe corrosion, except that microbiological attack rarely occurs. In extreme cases, condensation will build up to the point where the insulation becomes completely saturated with water. Generalized corrosion, excessive surface pitting, as well as the deterioration and failure of the insulation itself, usually results. Although presumed to be a long term problem, under certain conditions, exterior corrosion can produce a noticeable impact within 10 years.
Cold Insulation Of Secondary Importance
While fiberglass, foam, and other forms of insulation serve to provide important protection against unwanted heat transfer, their equal or more important function for cold water systems is to prevent the migration and condensation of moisture onto the outer pipe surface. Such function is rarely considered in the selection of cold water piping insulation, however, with standard insulation tables providing recommended thickness values dependent mostly upon pipe diameter.
The thinner the insulation, the greater the transfer of both heat and moisture to the pipe surface, and therefore the greater the resulting corrosion problem. Even installing 2 in. or thicker fiberglass insulation, although excellent at reducing heat transfer losses, is often not itself sufficient to prevent the infiltration of moisture and condensation at a cold pipe surface.
Moisture easily migrates to the surface of the smaller diameter piping – where multiple turns, connections, and fixtures such as valves, strainers, and gauges make an effective insulation job difficult, if not impossible. Any crack or sealing failure then becomes an entry point for moisture to permeate under the insulation and travel along the pipe surface for significant distance.
In many examples, therefore, the larger diameter main piping will show little or no surface deterioration, whereas the smaller distribution and run-out lines will reached near the point of failure. Identifying small diameter pipe where corrosion has completely worn away the exterior threads is not at all unusual.
The previous use of hard formed insulation decades ago was extremely effective at isolating the cold pipe surface from outside moisture. Commonly used fiberglass insulation of today, which offers a semi-permeable cloth or paper outer covering, provides no real moisture barrier, however, and requires additional steps such as coating or painting over the insulation in order to stop a corrosion problem. Other preventative steps are also often necessary.
A Combination Of Factors
For inside locations, exterior corrosion is dependent upon a combination of the thickness and condition of the insulation, the water temperature, and the relative humidity in the area. Generally, corrosion will be much more severe at the supply side piping simply due to the presence of lower pipe surface temperatures – typically lower by a factor of 10º F.
Depending upon the humidity level present, it is not unusual to find a 55º F. chill water return line free of any surface corrosion while the 45º F. supply side pipe has been severely pitted and deteriorated. Likewise, the same chill water supply line may show high pitting in a more humid mechanical room or steam room area, and none at all once it passes into an air conditioned tenant space having less humidity.
Brine and ammonia refrigeration systems, or those operating at 35º F. and below, are most susceptible to outer surface corrosion. Heavy insulation to limit the travel of moisture, and a strong preventative coating at the pipe itself to serve as a moisture barrier, are necessary to counter the threat from such low temperatures. The humidity level is often the most critical factor, and we have documented condensation and the complete destruction of condenser water pipe even at 75º F. where it has traveled through a heavily moisture saturated steam station area. The higher the moisture content, the less cold is needed to create an exterior corrosion problem.
Easily Avoidable
Unlike interior pipe corrosion which can never be stopped, and which exists due to a complex variety of physical and chemical causes, piping failures due to the extreme outer corrosion of chill and cold water systems are almost totally preventable. Such failures are generally attributed to inadequate maintenance and neglect, and/or the failure to inspect for and recognize such corrosion problems.
Chill water pipes are not the only victims of such outer surface corrosion. A common occurrence in steel domestic house tank evaluations is to find extreme outer corrosion at the bottom or underside surfaces. Here, inaccessibility often prevents adequate coating or painting. For the same reason that it is out of sight and therefore out of mind, normal maintenance to the side walls is rarely performed at the bottom surface.
The below photo gallery dramatically illustrates the ultimate consequence of inadequate pipe insulation and/or maintenance. Additional examples of this problem are provided in our Photo Galleries.
Insulation Failures
Preventative Inspection
The first step toward protecting against outer pipe wall corrosion is to find out if it exists, and to what extent – a step requiring some investigative effort. Recommended prime locations to remove samples of insulation for inspection are high humidity areas such as steam rooms, shaftways, mechanical rooms, open areas, and rooftop or other locations exposed to the elements. In many examples, water will migrate through the insulation to produce a noticeable watermark, stain, or crystallization at the surface.
Supply side piping should be checked first. Hard shell older style insulation, or insulation which is hand formed of plaster or similar materials is usually very effective at holding back any moisture from penetrating, and is especially effective for small diameter pipe. Standard unpainted paper or cloth covered fiberglass, on the other hand, provides little barrier to moisture, and is always a high priority location to check. When painted, fiberglass insulation can be effective at retarding moisture penetration – this depending upon the composition of the coating and its thickness. A single coat of paint is generally not sufficient.
Old style cork insulation, still in use from years ago at the oldest building properties, actually attracts moisture, and has been shown to cause the most severe cases of outer pipe corrosion we have measured.
While soft foam type piping insulation is convenient to apply, it too has been shown to fail in preventing the migration of moisture to the pipe surface. Painting foam insulation is generally not an option. In addition, a recognized chemical reaction between the components of the foam and the pipe itself has been cited in the on this internet site as greatly accelerating pipe surface corrosion.
Broken, missing, crushed and other damaged sections of insulation will obviously lead to outer pipe corrosion problems, and should be repaired or replaced as soon as it is discovered. Missing insulation can be frequently found at transitions through walls and floors, or in areas of heavy traffic.
More information on this subject is available in Technical Bulletin Pi-03.
Greatest Threat At Smallest Pipe
A high amount of outer corrosion can be typically found at smaller diameter pipe simply due to the inherent difficulty of insulating its many elbows, tees, valves, strainers, and other small piping components. Unfortunately, it is also that smaller diameter piping which has a thinner initial wall, and which is substantially weakened by the amount of metal cut away during the threading process. Small diameter pipe requires little outer corrosion, therefore, to create a failure condition.
Our standard recommendation to ensure against moisture caused outer pipe corrosion is to install 2 in. or heavier fiberglass pipe insulation on all cold water pipe of 50 º F. and below. In addition, a high solids paint, epoxy coating, or hard shell outer covering, sealed thoroughly at all seams, is critically important in order to resist moisture penetration.
Since the surface of the pipe which is insulated is never seen, it is almost never painted. As a result, any moisture which may accumulate at the pipe surface is able to attack completely unprotected steel. As a precaution against such possibility, CVI recommends painting all cold water piping with a strong rust preventative coating prior to being insulated. This is a very worthwhile precaution to specify in any new piping construction if long term and trouble free operation is desired.
General Insulation Recommendations
The following list offers some worthwhile recommendations for providing the maximum heat transfer efficiency and condensation protection of any insulated chill or cold water piping system:
- Install heavier insulation. Piping specifications generally require 1” thick insulation for 12 inch black pipe chill/cold water systems at 70% relative humidity. At 80% relative humidity, 2” thick insulation is specified. Consult your insulation supplier or contractor. Consider the humidity conditions of the area the pipe will travel through.
- Maintain a good moisture barrier at the outer pipe surface. Require smooth seals and joints throughout the entire installation in order to prevent moisture penetration. Stapled insulation, without being sealed, is a prime cause of insulation failure.
- Consider various outer tape type wraps to the pipe which provides an impenetrable barrier to moisture.
- Install a secondary metal, PVC, or other hard vinyl outer jacketing over the existing insulation. Overlap and seal the adjoining sections using a bead of silicone or other waterproof adhesive.
- Protect all insulation from physical damage. Provide steps and bridges over insulation in high traffic areas. Caution staff against standing on insulated pipe. Repair all cuts and rips in the insulation immediately.
- Apply an isolating seal of mastic or other waterproofing material at regular intervals between sections of insulation. This is especially important for outdoor locations. Should a breakdown at a particular area of insulation occur for any reason, the resulting condensation and water will be prevented from migrating throughout the adjoining insulation and piping.
- Apply a good quality rust preventative coating to the base piping as soon as it is in place, and prior to insulating. Paint around the entire pipe circumference.
- Migrating Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) may be applicable to retard corrosion at already insulated piping which is known to have a corrosion problem, and cannot be immediately addressed.
- Paint the insulation immediately after it is installed as a moisture barrier. A initial heavy coating of paint will penetrate the semi-permeable cloth or paper covering of the insulation to further protect against moisture migration. Require that the entire circumference of all piping is covered in order to seal the entire surface.
Insulated piping located outside exists under even greater threat from insulation failure due to varying environmental conditions. This places even more importance upon the above recommendations.
Latest Technology
Some latest nondestructive testing technology does exist that can scan through piping insulation quickly and effectively to identify any hidden corrosion problem. This is best to contract as a service, and is an extremely cost effective means to safeguard against the above problems. Other sensing devices can detect waterlogged insulation and rust deposits at both the inside and outside of the pipe.
CorrView International strongly recommends the above preventative measures as a means to avoid this potentially devastating but very avoidable operating problem.
© Copyright 2005 – 2025 – William P. Duncan, CorrView International, LLC