Photo Gallery A1:  Pipe Failures

Many early occurring and often obvious signs of a corrosion or pipe weakness problem are ignored up until the moment that a failure occurs.   At that instant priorities change, with – the larger the failure, the greater the level of panic and overcompensation.  Most piping failures, at least initially, are small.  They may be in the form of a slow drip at a thread or ERW weld seam, a weeping pinhole at copper pipe, or some wet insulation.  Ironically, the greater the level of pitting within a piping system, the more likely its deepest penetration will produce an advance “tell-tale” warning indication that a larger failure event is on the way.  Low and extremely uniform wall loss occurring over  decades, on the other hand, may produce a substantially larger failure with no prior notice whatsoever.

Worst events are always total pipe separation resulting in catastrophic failure and million dollar losses.  Fortunately, most piping failures provide an advance warning for those who are observant.



Pipe Failures
Pipe Failures
Pipe Repairs
Pipe Repairs
Thread Leaks
Thread Leaks
Active Pipe Leaks
Active Pipe Leaks
Grooved Pipe Failure
Grooved Pipe Failure
Pressed Copper Failures
Pressed Copper Failures
Unconventional Repairs
Unconventional Repairs
CorrView International, LLC
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