Photo Gallery D6:  Obvious Problems

Insulation is important to many piping systems in terms of energy savings but far more critical as a safeguard to the pipe itself.  For any cold water service, moisture penetrating through the insulation to condense can produce substantially greater external deterioration than what has occurred internally, and has been documented to produce entirely unexpected and massively costly failures.  Although much of such deterioration could be avoided by first protecting the pipe using an effective rust preventative coating, such is never performed due to the mistaken belief that insulation is all that is necessary.

Since the slightest defect to the insulation means an opportunity for water and moisture to enter, damaged or missing insulation provides an obvious clue to an otherwise hidden problem.  Even where its outer condition appears pristine, the simple failure to install a hard shell outer moisture barrier and silicone or mastic seal every joint and seam can result in a similar level of deterioration.  Whether damaged from foot traffic or other maintenance demands, outdoor weathering, or old age, insulation condition should be immediately noticeable to anyone in the area, and especially to those responsible for such important infrastructure.

Like many deficiencies we document in our UT investigations, a substantial volume of piping failures could have been easily avoided by simply addressing such obvious signs when they first appeared.



Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
Missing Insulation
Missing Insulation
Wet Dripping Pipe
Wet Dripping Pipe
Soft Foam Insulation
Soft Foam Insulation
Mold Contamination
Mold Contamination
Obvious Problems
Obvious Problems
Wet Insulation
Wet Insulation
Poor Quality Installation
Poor Quality Installation
CorrView International, LLC
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